Last week we showed off Liv and Cole’s wedding at Turner Farm on North Haven Island. This week we want to blow your mind with Liv and Cole again, and this time you’ll REALLY get to see how tough Liv is.
Tough. As. Nails.
O you’ll see.
We met them the next evening after their wedding day and hitched a ride across the Fox Island Thoroughfare to Vinalhaven. On the way, a squall hit us and we all got caught in the rain and wind, docked the boat, and ran up the hill to their friend’s house.
After the rain passed it was STUNNING out so we started right back up with our session. They opted to wear wedding clothes for the first half of the shoot and then switched into their regular clothing for the second half, which I loved because they got to have images of both vibes of themselves. Always a good choice.
The squall wasn’t the only “challenge” of the day though. Read on…

And then… she broke her toe.
We didnt believe it at first, but then Cole started to run back up to the house for help. Liv’s pinky toe was at a right angle you guys. She was beside herself with pain and there was nothing we could do!! Grace would have it that one of Liv’s besties, at the house up the hill, is a nurse! He came down and reset her toe. Cole emptied her barf bucket (it was that much pain you guys). I sat down with her and told her we could stop and figure out another time to finish the session. No worries. But this girl rallied and we finished the session. Incredible. See below…

And with that… we continued on.